What my NCAE results say about me..
We got our NCAE [National Career Assessment Examination] results today.
These are pretty much like SATs.
Anyway, I got a
92 for my Overall GSA [General Scholastic Aptitude] - Verbal Ability was my highest
VERBAL ABILITY: This subtest measures the assertive ability of a person in view of grammatical rules and logical arrangement of ideas. Individuals with high VA have high sense of analogy, hence, they have potential in mass communication, law, teaching, and preaching vocation. Those with Average VA can be developed in advertising careers.
97 for my Overall TVA [Technical - Vocational Aptitude] - highest was Manipulative Skill
MANIPULATIVE SKILLS - This subtest measures abilities that require perceptual and visual judgment in determining figures, symbols, patterns, and nature of space as well as skills in mentally manipulating objects and concrete materials. Manipulative skills are required in occupations such as machine technicians, jewelers, watchmakers, engravers, handicraft makers and the like.
And my Occupational fields of interest are:
ARTISTIC INTERESTS - this means that you enjoy activities that look at the artistic sides of things such as forms, designs, and patterns.
Examples: fashion designers, Interior decorators, graphic designers, landscape architects, make-up artists, painters, sketch artists, poets/lyricists, cartoonists, photographers, musicians, dancers, actors, directors, radio/TV announcers.
OUTDOOR INTERESTS - This means that you enjoy working with naturalistic environment such as plants and animals.
Examples: Landscaping workers, poultry/dairy farmers, cattle ranchers, fishermen, agriculturists, horticulturists, zoologists, agronomists, botanists, geologists, and marine biologists
whew. Alot of interesting
and odd options.
Survey questions for thesis. :)
Good day! We are 4th year students of batch 2009 from St. Paul College, Pasig. We are conducting a survey for our thesis about review centers.
Please check the circle of your choice. We hope you will answer our survey properly and accurately. Thank you for your cooperation!
1. What year did you graduate from St. Paul College, Pasig?
o 2006
o 2007
o 2008
2. Did you attend a review center other than what was offered in school?
o Yes
o No (proceed to #5)
3. What review center did you attend?
o Ahead o Experts o LSC o Mentorsplus o MSA
o Others (please specify): ____________________
4. What was your basis in choosing a Review Center?
o Popularity
o Good Service
o Price and Quality
o Convenience
o Reputation
o Others (pleas specify): __________
It was recommended by:
o School o Family o Friends o Others (please specify): ________
5. What is the school you are currently studying in?
o University of the Philippines (any campus)
o Ateneo de Manila University
o De la Salle University
o University of Sto. Tomas
o University of Asia & the Pacific
o Others (please specify):____________________
6. What entrance exam/s did you take? (Check all answers that apply)
o Others (please specify all): _______________________________________________
7. What entrance exam/s did you pass? (Check all answers that apply)
o Others (please specify all): ________________________________________________
8. Do you think your review class outside St. Paul was helpful in improving performance in the entrance exams?
o Yes
o No
Thank you for answering our survey! It is much appreciated!
Yesterday, I decided to go to Powerbooks to use my giftcard worth 500php
and I gotttttttttttttttttttttttt:

I originally wanted to buy this book though:

But I couldnt find it in that particular branch. So yeah..
I settled with the new one. :]
Which is really addicting btw
And I want this next book! I saw it on the bookshelf too. But my card can only get one so I guess it has to wait. :(

The story's basically about the Carlyle triplets:
Avery, Owen and Baby, grandchildren of Avery Carlyle, a famous socialite, who move into Blair's old penthouse.
My sister asked me:
"How come Gossip Girl's still there??
Isn't she supposed to be in college already or something??"
And that got me thinking... :|
YES. I am a Gossip Girl Freak. :)
Do I look it? Haha. My classmates say no. They say it's because the music I listen to does not really mix with the book.
YEAH WELL. I'm a Punk/Rock/[some odd genre that most people dont listen to] person who loves Gossip Girl. :]
Sounds odd I know
I figured that most people I would most probably flame at don't know about this blog. I I think they don't. But what the heck. I don't care if they see it.
Don't you just hate it when you're in this particular group, then this newbie comes in and acts all bossy? I do.
There's this particular person that I don't like. She's one of the new members. Then she'd act all high and mighty as if she was the president and boss all of us around.
What's worse is that she steals friends. --well, more like buys them. Just because she's the daughter of some famous person [or WAS famous]
Let me put those reasons in bulleted form.
- She's bossy
- She's rude
- She's inconsiderate
- She's selfish
- She buys friends
- She's boastful
I also hate Koreans and Korean wannabes
- They're invading the PH
- They're rude [Well some are really nice]
- They sound like cats when they speak
- They always expect special treatment since they're ~koreans
No offense though. I just think that there are way too many Koreans here already. Like wherever I go, I'd see Koreans. They're even invading my school. And I don't get why they need to be prioritized.
I also don't like Korean wannabes. They try too hard. Like whenever they'd be in the same room or event with Koreans in their range, they'd brag about how they love them or the music in this really loud annoying voice, hoping that those Koreans would pay attention to them and make friends. Some girls would even go to the extent of cutting their hair to look like one of those korean boybands. Psh.
I just don't see what's so special about them. but then again we all have different tastes. I guess some wouldn't get me either. They'd probably find me weird for not being a mainstream band person or something. Idk. We're all entitled to our own opinions anyway.
But seriously. I've had enough of them.
Don't get me wrong though, I like some korean novelas. They're funny.
People who'd read this would probably know who I'm talking about. :]