The Block Like No Other. :)
When did you ever accidentally show up in one restaurant and find out that all your other blockmates were coincidentally there too?This particular event happened last Tuesday. We were fortunate enough to have a 3 hour break then (because our teacher had to be quarantined along with some fellow teachers and students from the school). We all thought "let's kill time and eat out!". It took us a while to finally decide on where to eat.
aaaand where did we eat??
Ofcouse, McDonald's was the place to be.
....even though it's pretty far away from campus.
Like I mentioned above, when we arrived, we saw a fellow blockmate waving at us (Hi Dawn!).
Naturally, we went in to say hey. Imagine our surprise when we saw a long row of tables and seated there were our other blockmates. Haha. So we decided to join in with the fun and added a few more tables. Gosh, I think we used up most of the tables in our area and a lot of people had no more places to sit.
Don't believe me? Well here:
After eating, we still had a lot of time to kill. So we goofed around. Not caring if the people around were staring or what.Haha. Meet my crazy friends.
The craziness didnt end in McDonald's, mind you. We still had A LOTTTT of time so we played this game called 0-0-7-BANG. Haha. Don't make me explain the mechanics, because it's pretty hard to.
So overall, I'm enjoying college. Every single moment of it. :)
But I can't conclude since it's only the third week of school. I'll find out in the future though.
Til next time, for more crazy moments
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