Feb 21 2009Last day of my school fair.
Here is the list of people I invited:
- Dara
- Dana
- Margot
- Alpha
- Andy
- Cami
- Janella
- Madel
- Gaby
So here's how the day went:
In the morning, me and my sister gave the dogs a bath.
I love the way furry dogs look when they're wet.
When we got to my school, we found out that the fair was already over! As in they were putting the stalls down and the rides weren't working already. So what I did was give them a small tour of my school. They said my campus was big. LOL.
Hanging around at the fair that was absolutely over for a while, we got bored. So we decided to go to Podium.
Dont ask me how we got there, I will not tell you.
To our surprise, it was also boring as hell. No people and fun stuff to do.
We just killed time at the arcade. Played the bang bang games and the basketball thing. Then we used the tickets to get really weird stuff [jackstones, pick-up sticks and BAND AIDS (for dana.haha)].
Then they decided to go for the kiddie rides. Here they are. Too big for the taxi:
Because the Taxi couldn't bring us anywhere and after wasting money at the arcade, we just went around the mall. Looked inside shops and stuff.
We hung out at Starbucks in the latter part hoping to kill more time. We called Margot when we really had nothing to do. She was at a wedding reception when we called her.
We went around saying hi to random people to see their reactions. It was really really funny.
One more bad thing was, when we were really having fun, that was the time we had to go. :(
After dropping them off back at the Country Club,
Me, Ina and Sam went on a quest to find the perfect thing to eat for dinner. Road trippp!
It took us around 2 hours. Going to alot of different places and looking at different restaurants, we ended up eating in Burger King. Mushroom Swiss and apple juice! yum.
Fun and Tiring day. Very.
HAHAHAH, yeap, fun day. :DD
You forgot to mention the motorcycle dude!
Oh, and dude, you're just paranoid. My mom found you cute! hahahaha!
Send me the pictures please. Preferably through email. :]
Oh yeah! The motorcycle dude that went honk honk. The lady in the escalator's still my favorite though. Haha.
We should do this again someday. This time, with more people.
Will send you the pictures. :)
HAHA! The saying-hi-to-random-people thing is funny. [I wonder who came up with that idea...hee hee]
"Don't ask me how we got there, I will not tell you" -- oww... C'mon, SPILL!!!
Eh? Band Aids for Bob? ---> ?_?
Anyway, seemed so much fuuuuuuun! I miss you guys!
Haha Alpha. xD
And yeah, she wanted the band-aids.
Jaaaaaaaaaan. We should go out soon
Is that phone permanent?
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